1. Personal Particulars
2. Confirmation
3. Completion

Notes for S1 Admission Application (Sep 2024 Intake) (5th Jan 2024 version)


Our school pioneered ‘one school, two streams’ to fully actualize the bi-literate and tri-lingual language policy in 2000. Since then, the EMI (English as the Medium of Instruction) stream has been in operation. Starting from 2013-2014, all junior secondary classes (Secondary 1 to Secondary 3) have adopted English as the medium of instruction. Putonghua is used as the medium of instruction in Chinese Language and Chinese History.

Application Period

5th January 2024 (Fri) 9:00am - 30th June 2024 (Sun) 5:00pm

Tuition Fees

The annual tuition fee for S1 is HK$21,500 in 2023-2024, payable in 10 instalments. The proposed annual tuition fee for S1 is HK$22,500 in 2024-2025, payable in 10 installments (pending EDB approval).

Scholarships and Grants

  • Outstanding Primary 6 students achieving excellence in academic, arts or sports performance can apply for our scholarships through the “Scholarship for Secondary One Admission” scheme. Scholarships (at least 50% deduction from tuition fees) will be awarded to successful candidates with a ranking of top 20% in Primary 6.
  • Our school provides full/partial fee remission for students who have financial needs.
  • We have also set up the “Nurturing Young Talent Fund” to offer subsidies to financially disadvantaged students for participation in extra-curricular activities.

Application Procedures (Online Application https://fms.ievent.hk)

  • Complete the online application form before the application deadline and upload the following documents along with your application:
    1. A recent passport photograph of the applicant (H: 5cm x W: 4cm)
    2. Primary 5 and Primary 6 report cards 
    3. ‘Primary 6 Student Record Form’ issued by the Education Bureau of the HKSAR (if available)
    4. An identification document of the applicant (e.g. Hong Kong Identity Card)
  • Applicants will receive a confirmation email after successfully submitting the online application form together with the application fee (online or cheque payment). 
  • According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the personal data provided will be used for the application for our S1 places only. If the application is successful, the personal data collected will form part of the applicant's official student records. If the application is unsuccessful, all personal data will be destroyed.

Application Fee

  • The application fee is HK$75 (Non-refundable). Payment should be made in the following ways:
    1. By PayPal or credit card (Visa / Master)
    2. By cheque: payable to “Fukien Secondary School (Kwun Tong) Limited”, please write the name of applicant with the reference number on the back of the cheque, and send it to our school (Address: S1 Admission Section, Fukien Secondary School, 83, Chun Wah Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong).
  • If your computer has been installed with the internet security software (e.g Kaspersky Internet Security, Norton Internet Security), please be reminded that the safe payment function of the software (e.g Safe Money) may affect the payment process on the PayPal platform. You are recommended to disable the said function in your internet security software temporarily in order to ensure that you can successfully complete the payment process.

Interview Arrangement

  1. The school will be conducting interviews for applicants on or before 9th July 2024. Details regarding the interview will be provided one week prior to the scheduled date. Applicants do not need to call the school for enquiries.
  1. All candidates must attend the scheduled interviews. Please bring along the ‘Interview Record Card’ and the originals of all the supporting documents submitted. (Assessment criteria: communication skills in both Chinese and English, logical deduction, computer skills, mathematical skills, adaptability, general knowledge, performance in arts and sports, learning attitude and family support).

Admission Criteria

Admission criteria include academic performance (30%), conduct (20%), achievements in extra-curricular activities and awards won (10%), parental support (10%) and interview performance (30%).

Office Hours

Monday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday : 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon


For enquiries, please contact our “S1 Admission Section” by phone at (852) 2578 1745 or by email at admission@fms.edu.hk

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